We've all been there. We find our self in a particular situation: a few minutes late to an appointment; an
invite from friends when you’d rather stay home in your jammies; or that little
person tugging on our pant leg for a treat.
And before we know, it just slips out – a white lie. Everyone does it, so there can’t really be
any harm to it, right?
compiled a small list of white lies I have used and (believe) have been used on
me. Any sound familiar?
We Tell Others:
I just got your message/text.
My e-mail has been down for a day (or
few days).
My alarm didn’t go off.
I can’t get a sitter.
I was just about to call/text/e-mail
I was stuck in traffic.
Lies We Tell Our Self
I’m not too young to wear that.
There’s nothing wrong with my driving.
I can get that done in ten minutes.
I’m fine.
I don’t need help.
Lies We Tell Our Children
(Note – these work best with small
children J)
We’re out of ice cream/popsicles/chocolate.
The (insert store) is closed.
Mommy didn’t bring enough money.
It’s past your bedtime.
If you eat ______ it will make you bigger/stronger.
Now, this list certainly isn’t
complete, and you could add a few of your own.
I’m sure you (and I) could easily justify using these in any given
situation. Unfortunately, because white
lies are so common and viewed as benign, many of us don’t think twice before
they do it.
also easier to lie when you don’t have an audience. Andrew now knows what traffic is. Dare I use that lie in his presence and he
calls me out on it? That would be a bit embarrassing, don’t you think?
lies have consequences too. We have to
decide how it will affect our image.
(And, if we really care.) I am
always 10 minutes late to social events.
(Even before I had children to blame!)
So, what’s better? I claim there
was traffic, or just admit to my friends, “I’ll be ten minutes late.” Honesty is
the best policy, right?