Thursday, July 25, 2013

Let Me Entertain You

Alex has become quite the entertainer and attention seeker.  As a result, the most popular phrases in my house lately are, “Look at me!” and “Watch this!”  Only he says “wook” and “dis.”  It was bound to happen; he needed a way to be recognized apart from Andrew.  Of course, this has now added a whole new layer of competition to their relationship.  They each strive to become faster, louder and funnier.  
When these moments happen, a good parent stops what they are doing, feigns interest in said activity, smiles politely and makes a comment:  “Good job!”  “Wow!”  “How cool!”  A better parent looks up from whatever they are doing, is genuinely interested in the twirling jump or fire fighter rescue and asks engaging questions:  “Can you twirl in the other direction?”  “Did everyone get out safely?”
I have done both.  And I’m sure, you have too.  It’s OK.  These “Look at me!” moments can get a bit overwhelming.  Our children don’t understand we have other things that we need to get done around the house.  I haven’t yet tried to explain to Jim that I couldn’t get the laundry done because I was watching the boys’ tricks all day.  Maybe I should try it.  But somehow, “Look at me! I’m making dinner!  I’m mopping the floor!  I’m scrubbing the toilet!”  don’t sound as appealing.
What I wonder, then, is when do we lose this fearless “Look at me” attitude.  Sure, there are actors, performers and professional athletes who love the limelight, but the majority of us regular folks would rather go unnoticed.  Why is that?  Fear?  Lack of confidence?  Modesty? 
It’s too bad.  Each of us has some hidden talent, some special ability that deserves sharing. So try it!  Even if it’s only among your immediate family and closest family. Tell someone, “Look at me!”  Make them notice how important and talented you are.   

And then you can go back to scrubbing the toilets.  J

Friday, July 12, 2013

Toddler Translations

When your child is an infant, you eagerly await for him/her to make a noise that you can connect to a word.  You hover over them cooing and chatting away in attempts they will mimic you.  You make videos, call family and (nowadays) post these “conversations” on Facebook.  Eventually the babbling emerges into more recognizable words – or so you think. Many of our children say “Dada” first.  I’ve been told it’s easier to say than “Mama.”  Nice!  In our house, Andrew called us both Dada for a bit.  Even when I would respond with Mama to help reinforce my name, he would just laugh and say Dada again – little stinker!
          As words become phrases and phrases become sentences, certain mispronunciations occur.  I find these to be quite cute and waver between correcting them or letting them be.  Many times when I parrot back with the correct way, Andrew will still respond back his way.  It’s just how he hears it.  So sometimes we just use that variation.  We just have to be careful not to use it in public! J
          Here are some of my favorite Andrew-isms:
Note – nope
Amn’t – am not
Frope – throat
Un- um
Excabert – expert
Excabator – excavator
Vermote – remote
To confinamy and beyond – infinity
That was the best pizza I never had – instead of “ever” had
Freef – third  (he says three as “free”)

          In the past two months, Alex’s language has exploded!  He is stringing words together at lightning speed.  He’s not into the beginning “s” sound on many words which provides many Alex-isms.
Boopbrush – toothbrush
Fruitbus – school bus
Yes are – Yes it is/ Yes I am
No are – No it isn’t/ No I’m not
Fippery – slippery
Peabutter – peanut butter
Nake – snake
Pider – spider (not sure what he has against the letter “s”)
Tar – star
Cared- scared
Funder - thunder

          As times goes by, I am getting better with these toddler translations.  I also find it helpful information to pass on to family members and babysitters.  If you’ve ever been involved with a toddler, who is trying to tell you something over and over again, and you are getting the words wrong, EEESH!  It’s frustrating for both you and the toddler!