Friday, February 24, 2012

A Day to Blog About!

            I try to stay organized and focused.  But, alas, this does not happen.  I know I am not alone, so I bring you…
            Today Was a Day to Blog About
            I had a simple plan:
3:45  CrossFit class
4:30  Swing into WalMart to grab diapers and wipes
4:40  Stop at Panera to read some writing pieces over a bowl of French onion soup
5:00  Head to critique group
            Somehow things got a bit off track.
3:45  CrossFit class
4:26   Wonder if I should go to Target instead because I have a coupon.  Decide it’s out of the way.
4:30  Pull into WalMart parking lot.  Wonder why it is so crowded.
4:31  Text Jim to tell him my “low tire” light is on again.
4:32  Jim calls me to tell me I should fill my tire before I drive so far.
4:33  Pick up diapers and wipes.  Head to check out line.  Realize the crowd is due to Valentine’s Day.  Decide I should get some (nonfood) treats for my students.  Oh, and the kids at daycare.
4:50  Get to car.  Call Jim to double check how to use the air compressor.
4:52  Enter library into GPS, see I will arrive at 5:59.
4:53  Rummage through car for “dinner.”  Find a juicebox and half a granola bar.  Combine this with the apple and orange in my lunch bag and I have a feast!
4:55  Pull out of WalMart parking lot.  GPS announces my arrival to the library at 6:03.  Grrrr.
5:15  Drive by the Target that I originally thought was going to be out of the way.
6:03  Arrive at library, ready to relax and listen to some fantastic writing!
            So it didn’t go exactly according to plan, but I did get a few laughs along the way!  And isn’t that exactly what life is?

1 comment:

  1. So classic. I always feel like I'm driving past places I meant to stop at, if only there was time....
    Love the blog! Keep it up!
