“Why do I see rain clouds but it’s
not raining?” Andrew asks. “Why?”
Who would ever have thought that three little letters could become a
painful ringing in my ear? Wait, that
may be too harsh. I could liken them to
nails on a chalkboard, but that never bothered me and we have whiteboards
now. Honestly, it’s the anticipation of
that third of fourth “Why?” (after I feel I have done a really good job of
explaining), that quickens my heartbeat.
This is when I resort to silence and the occasional topic change or a
(slightly) exasperated, “I don’t know.”
of my favorite go to answers were “Because it was born that way” and “Because
it was made that way.” Those worked for quite a long time. He had no comeback. Well, he now asks, “Why were the born/made that
way?” I do have to admit, though, he was
some very interesting questions. Most
recently he has been focused on the size of animals. “Why are crocodiles so big? Why are ducks bigger than chickens?”
of course, there are the whys that come after a direction has been given. I tried for a very long to avoid the “because
I sad so” response. I thought I was so
savvy with the “because I gave you a direction” response. It was direct, didn’t sound too rude, or
authoritative. Well, it has now begun to
squeak out. If you’ve been there, you
the course of questioning, I put on my patience hat. This is obviously a sign of his
intelligence. I am so lucky to have an
inquisitive child who wants to learn more about the world around him. This track is on auto rewind in my head.
yourself, “Where would we be without the word why?” What if Sir Isaac Newton had never asked, ‘Why
did that apple fall from the tree?’ Or Elizabeth
Cady Stanton hadn’t ever asked, ‘Why can’t women vote?’ Or if Steve Jobs had not asked, ‘Why do I need
a separate cell phone, video camera, music player and computer?’
what ifs, and how comes have shaped our history. I’m sure not a day goes by without you asking
yourself “why” at least once. It can’t
be helped. It’s part of us. So, I will continue my duties of expert
question-answerer and when all else fails, I think I’m going to add a new
response…”Go ask your father!”
Yes! And another really powerful one, which Holly Howley asked me earlier in my writing career: Why not?