One weekend, I had a rare few minutes to read through my
Parenting magazine. There was a book
review section and one title caught my eye: Confessions
of a Scary Mommy: An Honest and Irreverent Look at Motherhood - The Good, The
Bad, and the Scary by Jill Smokler.
It was born from a blog Smokler developed while home with her
children. Each chapter begins with anonymous,
but true, confessions, shared by blog followers. The rest of the chapter is then a full
description of her own experiences surrounding such topics as pregnancy, birthday
parties, other people’s children and husbands.
I found these parts a bit self-indulgent but the confessions were
hysterical and many rang true of my own life.
It inspired me to write my own list.
While they will not be anonymous, I hope you enjoy, get a little chuckle
and take a few moments to ponder your own secret confessions!
v I tell Andrew
certain shirts are in the laundry so he can’t wear them.
v I really
began to enjoy running when I realized it was a guaranteed 30 minutes of “me”
v I am not a
morning person, but I get up at 5 a.m. so I can write, drink coffee and watch
Days of our Lives.
v I have spent
30 minutes carefully preparing a dinner only to have Andrew say, “I wish it was
pizza night!”
v I pretend to
be asleep when Alex cries in the night so Jim will get up.
v When Andrew’s
questioning brings me to the brink of insanity, I say, “That’s a great
question. Go ask your dad.”
v The boys
yell, “Stop, Mommy! No sing!” every time I try to sing in the car.
v I have no
patience for children with bad, or no, manners.
v I take long
showers at night for an escape from the boys’ after dinner burst of energy.
v I have turned
the cooking of dinner over to Jim. I have
lost the motivation to be creative with food.
For short tidbits without reading the whole book,
you can check out the Facebook page: Scary Mommy.
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